Delivering ratings and insightful reports on exchange-traded funds, for easy analysis and comparison, streamlined research and idea generation
Stock market volatility and the resulting concern from investors increases the need for tools and insights to efficiently navigate risks and take advantage of opportunities. One growing area of opportunity is around exchange-traded funds (ETF).
ETF Reports Plus delivers transparent scores, automated highlights, glossary definitions and report tips that make it easy for investors and advisors with varying levels of experience to understand and analyse reports. Additionally, the solution provides advisors with relevant data and insights that help them engage with clients about their investments and build stronger relationships.
Whether you’re a wealth advisor or a self-directed investor, you’ll receive extensive global coverage of exchange-traded funds across asset types, including equity and bond ETFs, while cutting the cost of multiple sources of independent research reports.
The expansive coverage, frequency of updates and depth of market data puts ETF Reports Plus in a category few competitors can match for ETF ratings.