Solution introduction

Dive into a wealth of investment research & market commentary

Access free, quality analysis on a wide range of markets. Subscribe to get premium insights from analysts you trust

The first open-access platform for investment research

Open access
ResearchPool’s open and user-friendly research marketplace lets you download and analyse information faster. Improved search allows you to focus on the insights that are relevant to you.

Flexible payment options
In preparation for an unbundled research market under MiFID II, ResearchPool provides flexible payment options for premium reports. Pay for reports per view or with our new subscription service. Whichever method you choose, price transparency allows you to formulate a more controlled budget plan.

Download free and premium reports covering key financial asset classes. These include equity, credit, commodities, real estate, money markets, currencies, multi-asset and alternatives. Whatever insights you need to make the right decision, you can find them here.

A platform for both investors & providers
ResearchPool is designed to help professional and individual investors find relevant research on their own terms. However, it is also a streamlined platform for research providers and analysts to monetize and get their insights out to a wider audience. Upload your research through our provider gateway and watch as your profile page grows and reports are shared.

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The Wealth Mosaic publishes a range of newsletters each month to help both wealth managers and solution providers stay on top of the latest developments in the global wealth management sector. Click below to sign up to those that are of interest.