blog from We are you

A proactive approach towards more financial health

By Jordi Oude Egberink, User Experience Consultant, We are you

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We are you regularly develops bespoke solutions for private banks and investment management firms. To speed up the development process we have invested in a component-based development culture. It enables us to repurpose knowledge acquired within the banking industry. This includes retail banking, private banking and wealth management. This accelerates the...

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by We are you
| 02/03/2020 12:00:00

There are many options when it comes to putting your surplus savings to good use. You could spend it, put it on an investment account, invest in real estate, buy solar panels, invest in crowd funding projects, make an extra mortgage down payment and much more. Comparing those options is a daunting and time consuming task. Wouldn’t it be great if the relevant options across different organizations and silo’s were proactively laid out for you?

An average family in the Netherlands has savings close to 45.000 euros (CBS). The recommended reservation for unforeseen expenses is around 5.000 euros (Nibud). The average household therefore has 35.000 to 40.000 euros in savings that are eligible for other types of investments or expenditures.

Many alternatives to a savings account are provided by banks, but other just as valid alternatives are offered by producers of products (like solar panels) or services (like real estate agents). Banks rarely offer the options of their own silos side by side, like comparing an investment account to a down payment on the mortgage. Offering third party alternatives doesn’t happen at all. For consumers, comparing the options in the right way is a big challenge, after which arranging the chosen option again is a big administrative task.

Beyond financial products
We envision a solution that connects the silos of savings accounts, investment accounts and mortgages and loans. It pro-actively offers various options for improving the financial health of the client. This includes sensible alternatives to banking products, provided by trusted partners such as solar panel installers for instance. For these options, a direct quote is given, based on the address, maps and statistic sun position data – without visiting the location first.

Based on learnings from the customers transactions, only the relevant options are shown. The quantitative and qualitative pros and cons from every option are shown side by side. Volatility, sustainability and profitability all have a role in this comparison. Even good will donations can be included as an option. Once the customer makes a decision, he or she is assisted in the realization of that option.

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