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Upcoming TWM webinar: WealthTech Talks - Enhancing client discovery & acquisition with technology

Taking place on Tuesday, June 23 at 9am, UK time

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by The Wealth Mosaic
| 10/06/2020 13:38:36

Without the discovery and subsequent acquisition of new clients the wealth management sector will face a bleak future. It is widely known that the average age of clients for the majority of wealth managers is 60 or 70 years of age and that those who stand to inherit this in the huge and ongoing process of generational wealth transfer wealth are: (1) very likely to have no existing relationship with the current wealth holder’s wealth manager and (2), upon inheriting that wealth, are also highly likely to take those assets and form a new wealth management relationship with another provider.

These two factors, alongside the changing dynamics of winning and delivering client relationships in an increasingly digital and hybrid environment mean wealth managers must look seriously at how they discover and acquire new clients and, critically, how technology can help them enhance that process.

The webinar will be hosted by Stephen Wall, Co-Founder of The Wealth Mosaic, and will feature expert guests from three technology vendors that offer solutions to support the process of client discovery and acquisition for wealth managers. They are Pius Stucki, CEO of Etops, Alessandro Tonchia, Co-Founder & Head of Strategy at Finantix and Antony Bream, MD - EMEA and Americas at Wealth Dynamix.

We will seek their views on:

  • Within the process of client discovery and acquisition, what tools and benefits does technology bring to the table to support the needs of wealth managers
  • At which stages of the journey and where specifically technology can support the role of the adviser and other team members
  • Highlighting where and how technology has been used to enhance the process of client discovery and acquisition
  • From the perspective of the technology involved, what factors will lead to a successful outcome (i.e. data, people, engagement, integration, training, etc.)
  • Where there is resistance from wealth management firms, why is that and what factors or benefits can help them overcome their fears or challenges?
  • What is coming in terms of the future development and capabilities of technology offerings to enhance process of client discovery and acquisition