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Upcoming TWM webinar: WealthTech Talks - Getting the most out of data in wealth management

Taking place on Wednesday, June 17th 9am, UK time

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by The Wealth Mosaic
| 04/06/2020 13:49:16

The value of data for all major businesses is now almost unquestioned and, while we’ve all heard the standout phrases like ‘data is the new oil’, what is the value of data in wealth management and how can firms get the most from data? In this webinar, we will be speaking with technology vendors to understand their views on how wealth managers can get the most out of data.

For an industry where the term ‘data’ is strongly associated with financial products and portfolio management, data in the new world has a far broader significance, particularly with regard to the end client base. How do wealth managers adapt and enhance what they do in this new world?

The webinar will be hosted by Stephen Wall, Co-Founder of The Wealth Mosaic, and will feature the expert guests from three technology vendors whose offerings are focused on helping wealth managers get the most out of their data, whether to understand and engage the client, manage portfolios or more. They are Boris Rankov, Co-Founder & Head of Product at InCube, Theo Paraskevopoulos, Founder & CEO of Invessed and Anton Zdziebczok, Head of Product - Data Aggregation & Analysis at Crealogix.  

Specifically, we will seek their views on:

  • Where is the wealth management sector now in its understanding of the potential of data and in delivering value from that?
  • What are the leading challenges that wealth management firms face in their efforts to improve the value they get from data?
  • From the perspective of the technology and tools involved, what factors will lead to a successful outcome (i.e. technology, people, engagement, integration, training, etc.)?
  • What technologies and tools exist to help firms increase the value and benefit they can achieve from data?
  • What are the leading opportunities for wealth managers in getting more out of data?
  • Highlighting use cases and examples of where wealth managers have got more from data
  • What is coming in terms of the future development and capabilities of technology and tools to help wealth managers get more from data