Legal & Regulatory Marketplace

Legal & Regulatory solutions have long been essential to the running of wealth management firms but their importance has been elevated as regulation around the sector has become more forceful and the financial and reputational costs of compliance failures more damaging. Further, wealth managers have long required the support of Legal & Regulatory solutions for business needs such as transactions, establishing funds and negotiating and creating investment documentation, as well as to meet the legal needs of their clients in areas like divorce & family, family business and trusts & estates. The Legal & Regulatory marketplace is also changing and the business needs of wealth managers dictate that a dedicated resource exists to support them in keeping up to date with the solutions and knowledge within this marketplace.

The Wealth Mosaic’s Legal & Regulatory marketplace is the global wealth management sector's most comprehensive directory of solutions and related knowledge resources to the specific Legal & Regulatory business needs of this industry. A unique resource of solutions filtered for their relevance to wealth management, constantly updated and intelligently categorised, it is a one-stop-shop for wealth managers of all types from across the globe to be able to discover, understand and engage with the right Legal & Regulatory solutions to their specific business needs, as well as access the broad areas of relevant knowledge relating to this marketplace.

Business Needs

Knowledge Resources