Program management
Managing change-the-system/bank projects; coordinating resources and timelines; mitigating risks while engaging stakeholders via steering/ mgmt committees and user forums
TOM defintion
Define the Target Operating Model (client value propositions, process model, satellite landscape) needed to deliver the expected benefits while verifying fit to Model Bank
Business change management
Implementing business changes (transformations) mandated by the TOM e.g. terminating low volume products or services, setting up shared service operations, etc.
Quality review
Reviewing the governance structure (committees, forums) and functions (e.g. vendor & gap mgmt), project organisation (e.g. sufficient resourcing & knowledge/experience), quality of planning, BRDs, IRDs and solutions
Reqmts definition & management
Capturing requirements and challenging gaps vs standard or workaround solutions to align to TOM and Model Bank - ensuring mgmt approval and traceability
System integrators management
Managing system integrators in their deliveries of IT platform and satellite customisations - ensuring timelines and quality as well as integration resilience and data flows
Data migration & cutover
Preparing the data migration strategy and plan; cleaning and enriching data; running build and trial migrations; improving data quality and executing dress rehearsals and cutover
Specialised skillsets
Filling in any gaps existing within the team in respect of specialised skillsets e.g. digital wealth mgmt, Triple’A Plus, fraud detection, derivatives and structured products