Video from 3rd-eyes analytics

Visualise how life events affect your client’s wealth

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3rd-eyes analytics’ wealth and life planning solutions

We provide financial institutions with modular and flexible, white-labelled Software-as-a-Service and API solutions that improve, automate and visualise wealth planning interactively. Our solutions can be configured flexibly to create different use cases along the whole wealth management value chain. This is possible because we follow a service-based architecture, always use...

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by 3rd-eyes analytics
| 23/11/2022 12:27:02

The Digital Insurance Agenda (DIA) Munich took place on the 28th and 29th of September and is one of Europe’s most established insurance innovation and InsurTech festivals. We had the opportunity to present our life planning solutions, which visualise how life events, for example, disability, impact the personal financial situation.

The DIA strives to bring together insurance executives, InsurTech leaders and other agents of change to accelerate digital transformation and innovation in the insurance industry with superb quality at the forefront.

We had the opportunity to present at the DIA Munich to discuss how life events affect your client’s wealth. Check out our presentation: