... an appropriate solution
Portfolio Analysis
Detailed on the fly analysis on portfolio or any consolidation level, portfolio comparison, various ratios incl. drill-down functionality (fund of funds), full breakdown flexibility.
Trade Order Management
Simulation, single and collective orders, block orders, rebalancing against model portfolios, cash sweeping.
Compliance Monitoring
Rule sets (BVV2, KAGB/DerivateV, VAG, UCITS V, InvFG) for CH, DE, LI, LU, AT, IE and contractual constraints, pre- and post-trade checks.
Corporate Actions
Managing of events and generating the resulting CA transactions.
Performance Management
TWR/MWR/IRR on any level, Contribution/Attribution, FIA, variable return policies.
Transaction Management
Recording of all transactions and/or holdings for all asset classes incl. non bankable assets, private equity and real estate.
Automated Client Reporting
More than 70 standard reports in 4 different languages (English, German, French, Italian) available, modular management summaries, support of GIPS.
Automated calculation of transaction fees, management fees and performance fees based on models.
Risk Management
VaR analysis with back testing (historic, Monte Carlo, RiskMetrics), scenarios, stress tests.
Flexible Portfolio Valuation
Valuation with any price time series (market data providers / custodians).