Connect with confidence
Find tomorrow’s leaders today. Access detailed profiles of more than 1.6 million executives across 2.1 million organizations, which gives you insight into key decision-makers and industry-leading trends.
Database built by humans
400 global researchers update, expand and maintain our database daily. Our quality assurance process is second to none, and our research is focused on the most credible, reliable sources on the market.
In-depth executive discovery
Find tomorrow's leaders today. Our database offers 20+ advanced filters to help you hone in on the qualities, skills and experiences that matter most, including past roles, education, and diversity.
Identify Connections with Impact
Make the most of your network. Our proprietary algorithm helps you find new and existing connections so you can leverage the power of warm introductions and close bigger deals, faster.
Seamless workflow integrations
Automate your workflow. Trust your source. Unlock business value. BoardEx offers a range of data services including cloud based solutions and workflow integration options with leading CRM platforms.