Boardroom Insiders gives you the intelligence you need on the executives that matter most
Our database of 30,000+ detailed executive profiles has become a go-to resource for enterprise sales and marketing teams, with information on everything from personal interests to business priorities. Elevate the impact of your pitch today.
Database built by humans
People are the key to our success. Our research team includes former business journalists, industry analysts and management consultants who spend hours sourcing the information you need on the leaders who matter most to your business.
Close bigger deals, faster
The standard sales strategy won't cut it for an enterprise deal. Our database was built specifically to give enterprise sales and marketing teams the intelligence they need to cut through the noise and close bigger deals, faster.
Understand key priorities
What's keeping your prospects up at night? Our extensive platform and data visualization tools provide insights into trending business priorities and personalized interests of key decision makers. Offer your target executives solutions instead of sales pitches.
Uncover Common Interests
Common interests, backgrounds and affiliations help you create content that resonates. Our platform helps you identify what your top prospects have in common so you can design marketing and outreach strategies that make an impact.