Provide a comprehensive advice experience that engages clients from start to finish and empowers them to make better decisions by getting on the same page - literally
Asset-Map Report
A financial picture is worth a thousand…
An Asset-Map Report is a visual experience that displays all of a household’s members, entities, financial assets, liabilities, cash-flows, and insurance policies. This provides an advisor with a straight-forward way to quickly address gaps in a financial plan as well as uncover new opportunities to elevate their clients’ condition.
A Target Map - Continuous tracking of financial progress and priorities
A Target-Map helps financial advisors and their clients identify funding gaps toward financial goals in mere moments and then track their progress (and required actions). Common templates include retirement, education, loss of life, disability and long-term care.
Household Index - Data transparency unlike ever before
In order to help financial advisors and firms have a deeper understanding of their entire book of business, the Household Index allows for filtering and sorting of all households currently within your Asset-Map team. This dynamic reporting of financial parameters helps to better understand client segments and drive opportunities for targeted conversations.
Stencils - Use peer demographics to personalize fact-finding
Facilitate more productive discussions by overlaying a ‘demographic’ or ‘time-of-life’ Stencil to a household’s Asset-Map. The Stencil adds suggestions for typical financial instruments that a household’s peers may have to make it easier for financial advisors to elevate their condition.
Discovery interview - Collect data where people live (mobile device)
Our direct-to-consumer Discovery Interview helps streamline the collection of high-level household data and their concerns to pre-build their Asset-Map Report. By involving clients early in the fact-finding process, financial advisors can be better prepared to set clear goals and expectations from the first time they interact.
Integrations - Connect with your favorite partner solutions
Give clients an experience that combines the best of all the Advisor technology solutions you use to help them make better financial decisions. With our open architecture approach to integration, you can integrate a client's Asset-Map into other technology solutions, as well as sync additional information to Asset-Map Platform from our partners.