BondIT connects multiple sources of data and research to deliver optimal investment ideas, aligned with any investment requirement
Portfolio Manager
BondIT enables portfolio managers to leverage powerful optimization algorithms in real-time.
A scalable and efficient portfolio construction and analysis platform built to precisely mirror the portfolio manager workflow, enabling a PM to iterate, optimize, and compare portfolio alternatives.
Advisor/Private Banker
BondIT enables private bankers and advisors to provide superior service to their fixed income clients.
A tailor-made portfolio construction platform that analyzes portfolios, monitoring and rebalancing out of predefined universes, and generates dynamic fixed income portfolio proposals that elevate an advisors’ client engagement and scales his or her prospecting efforts.
Create portfolio ideas leveraging alternative data, proprietary insights, mandates, and inventory.
Using BondIT’s generate engine you can rapidly construct right-sized portfolios that take into account all aspects of your objectives and mandates. This enables you to create proposals and ideas that are strategic, actionable, and compliant the first time around. Connect to virtually any source of strategic data and use it intelligently—up front—to deliver proposals faster than ever before.
Full set of configurable analytics across all live and proposed allocations.
In addition to a standard set of analytics, BondIT works closely with you to develop the metrics that help you run your business more efficiently. Ensure you are serving your clients’ needs by examining dozens of return and risk metrics.
Create rebalance ideas that respect all objectives and constraints.
Develop reallocation that make sense and that retain/return the portfolio within mandated constraints. Re-align with objectives and adapt to changing needs while managing for efficiency and turnover.
Alternate Solutions
BondIT generates multiple solutions for trade-off analysis.
Often portfolio generation is an iterative exploration process. BondIT streamlines this by offering multiple solutions to be reviewed and compared for full trade-off analysis. Additionally, BondIT offers a powerful ‘Solve Anyway’ feature to ensure that you have ideas to evaluate even when constraints are infeasible.
Data Connectivity & Sync
Full connectivity with upstream and downstream systems.
BondIT offers standard connectors to keep portfolio and universe data
up to date, and enables transmission of proposals to compliance,
reporting, and execution systems.
Real time portfolio monitoring with permission-based sharing across enterprise.
Monitor for any actionable scenario and quickly generate BondIT ideas on how
to respond.
Manage Universes
Curate strategic bond universes from which to optimize.
Create unlimited bond universes for unparalleled control over the optimization process. Whether its inventory, compliance approved, research-recommended—any strategic list you have can be utilized within BondIT to ensure high-quality actionable proposals.
BondIT API Toolkit
Leverage BondIT directly from your internal systems.
As an API-first platform, BondIT offers a full set of API’s to perform all
portfolio management and optimization tasks. This provides the capability to leverage BondITs optimization engines from within your current systems.