Analysis Builder for Portfolio Monitoring
Analysis Builder provides easy access to high quality private market data and flexibility of analysis across your private markets portfolio. Go beyond pure fund tracking to capture a broader number of data points for all of your private market assets.
A Revolution in Flexibility for Private Market Data
The challenges for private market investors have grown rapidly in recent years, with daily crises escalating the demands on portfolio management. With larger and more significant capital allocations in the private markets, institutional investors are searching for improved data access and next level technology solutions. Now, with CEPRES Analysis Builder for Portfolio Monitoring, investors have easy access to high quality data and flexibility of analysis across all aspects of their portfolio.
Powerful Analysis
CEPRES Analysis Builder also utilizes Power BI’s visualization capabilities to expand data customization, letting users create unique, interactive, customized widgets so they can view enhanced analysis in Portfolio Monitoring without limitations.
Data, Your Way
Users can easily compare any analysis by industry, stage, location, etc., using unlimited widgets with widget level filters, see granular cash flow analysis based on each cash flow type, and view how their portfolio’s operating metrics or any other metrics have progressed over its lifetime.
Investment impact
Combined with CEPRES' look-through data, users can “look through” high-level fund performance metrics into the underlying cash flows of a fund’s portfolio companies, allowing them to better understand a fund’s composition, strategy, and returns; how it compares to peers; and whether the fund is a good investment fit.