Get insight into returns drivers
Compare your and competitors' performance against actual marketplace metrics cut across thousands of dimensions, including IRR, MOIC, alpha, TVPI and more, as well as operational KPIs, including revenue CAGR, EBITDA, loan interest and more. CEPRES calls this approach beyond benchmarking — providing deeper insight into true drivers of investment returns — helping investors build more effective portfolios and unlock better investment outcomes.
Create your own benchmarks
CEPRES Benchmarking allows you to create your own custom benchmarks at both the fund and deal level. You have flexibility in analyzing against benchmarks that aren't handpicked to tell a story. You can also benchmark against funds/portfolios within your own portfolio, enabling you to make better decisions.
Compare relative performance
Develop new portfolio strategies by measuring a GP’s track record or your own portfolio of investments against the returns of the broader private or public markets.
Get a full picture
Gain insights across the entire private market landscape, with data on venture capital, growth capital, buyout, private debt, private real estate and more.