See around corners
CEPRES Predictive Intelligence is an intelligent AI-based portfolio simulation and tracking solution that incorporates the future developments of single funds based on a unique forecasting technology for illiquid asset classes. CEPRES Predictive Intelligence enables investors and risk managers to measure future uncertainties and optimize their asset allocations for any market condition. With just one click, run true Monte Carlo Simulations that create 100,000 scenarios based on more than 107,000 cashflows, P&Ls and operating company metrics from PE-backed companies.
Scenario plan
Conduct macro-shock and liquidity stress tests to test your portfolio strategy and react to market conditions based on real fund developments and empirical market trends. Answer strategic questions, such as “How would my future investments react to a rise in interest rates? What happens if there is another worldwide pandemic?” And thousands more.
Minimize risk
Derive concrete probability distributions for every investment by forecasting cash flows, IRR/TVPI returns, NAVs, and more. Generate cash flow, return and valuation projections for portfolios of funds or direct deals to remove uncertainty. Transform private equity cash forecasting and cash pacing to manage your portfolio more effectively.
Optimize your portfolio
Plan investment strategies — including future investments — to reach your target NAV. Reduce the complexity of navigating correlation structures, stress testing and distribution assumptions. Compare old simulations against realized cashflows. Leverage an intuitive visualization of unlimited hierarchies and cross-investments across vehicles, funds, co-investments and more.