When the stakes are high, you need partners with the discipline to stick to your strategy. Whether you’re delivering a global transformation program or one-off project, our consultants have the experience to stack the odds of success in your favor
Free up your team
Program management requires rigor, due diligence, and attentiveness—do you have the resources for the job?
Even the best program strategies can be waylaid by resource constraints. To see an ambitious program through, you need a dedicated program management office to ensure key deliverables are on-time and on-budget, with no day-to-day distractions. By working with a program management partner, you’ll ensure that you have the right resources focused on governance and a fully functional team dedicated to running your business.
Follow a structured process
A successful program requires a winning strategy.
We’ve used our proven project frameworks to deliver some of the industry’s most transformative technology and operations programs. During kickoff, we’ll work with your project or program team to understand your environment and deliver a project definition document, current state assessment, and project timeline. As we move into execution, we’ll design a program management office and put into place the tools, policies, and plans to stay on track. Throughout the program, we’ll continuously manage risk, reporting, and stakeholder communications. Whether your program is waterfall, agile, or a combination, we have hands-on experience leading programs across every project methodology.
Leverage deep program and domain experience
Our consultants have been on the ground for asset management programs of every scale.
We’ve been there, done that. When it comes to delivering a massive program, you can’t rely on a PMO team that doesn’t have the experience to anticipate and proactively manage challenges. Our consultants have worked in all aspects of investment management technology and operations—from leading internal initiatives at some of the world’s leading asset management firms to on-the-ground operations. By working with an experienced team, you gain the insight of both project experience and a nuanced understanding of your milestones and needs.
Manage risk proactively
To keep on track, you need to anticipate speed bumps before they become roadblocks.
We’re not afraid to confront challenges head-on. Our consultants understand the importance of early issue escalation and have the domain knowledge to challenge assumptions and find solutions. We proactively manage risk through rigorous status reporting and communications with stakeholders at all levels of the program— from implementation specialists to program sponsors.
Gain a big picture view
Keep your goal in sight by managing milestones and resources across the business.
On-time, on-budget resource management is a challenge for programs of any scale. We have the manpower and experience to keep your end goal in sight through effective enterprise resource management. With a clear view of where your resources are allocated now and in the future, you’re better able to manage program risk while maintaining business as usual.