We specialise in capturing data on investment funds and adding value through the provision of analytics tools, website solutions and aggregated data feeds
Our data and tools are used by asset managers, life assurance companies, wealth managers and financial advisers in Ireland, Italy, South Africa, Sweden and the UK.
Fund Focus
Fund Focus provides daily updated data analytics that enable financial advisers to make better investment decisions
Fund Centre
Hosted Fund Centre platform that automates the online publication of Fund Fact Sheets, fund prices and performance
Fund Centre Lite
An “out of the box” Fund Centre for publishing your fund data online
Fund Ratings
Longboat Analytics Fund Ratings – Independent fund rating based on risk adjusted performance
Data Feeds
Data that you and your clients can trust
Document Capture / Dissemination
Longboat Analytics can source up to date KID / KIID documents for wealth managers. These can be provided with URL links to the live PDF or via a website portal that includes functionality to search for the required KID / KIID document.