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Croesus renews a five-year agreement with Laurentian Bank of Canada

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Croesus provides innovative, high-performance, and secure wealth management solutions that include portfolio management systems, portfolio rebalancing tools, and application programming interfaces

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by Croesus
| 15/02/2023 12:00:00

Croesus announces the renewal of its long-term partnership with Laurentian Bank of Canada (the “Bank”). As Canada’s leading WealthTech solution provider, Croesus will continue to serve one of the country’s major banks for the next five years.

Croesus will provide the Bank with innovative wealth management solutions, including its portfolio management system, Croesus Advisor, and numerous productivity-enhancing features tailored to investment advisers.

“We are very pleased to pursue our collaboration with Croesus and to use their wealth management solutions in our daily operations. This strategic partnership will allow the bank to continue providing an innovative and powerful platform to our advisors,” said Maryse Filion, Vice President and Head of Wealth at Laurentian Bank Retail Securities.

This agreement builds on a collaboration established in 1997 to enable a large number of the Bank’s financial professionals to leverage Croesus’s wealth management technologies to better support their clients throughout their investor life cycles. “The renewed confidence of a major financial institution like Laurentian Bank is proof of the leading edge, relevance, and robustness of our solutions,” said Sylvain Simpson, President of Croesus. “We are extremely pleased to continue our partnership with the Bank. This close collaboration is based on attentive listening, impeccable service, and the continuous development of our products,” he added.

Read the original article here.