Improve customer experience and prevent fraud with powerful multifactor authentication
With users numbering in the hundreds of millions worldwide, mobile banking presents unprecedented opportunities for increased convenience and accessibility. At the same time though, mobile access has introduced new threats from identity theft and fraud as most transactions are conducted with no face-to-face customer contact.
Meanwhile, customers juggle an ever-expanding set of complex passwords — both those related to their bank and to their myriad other online accounts. This leads to frequent password resets by customers unable to keep their various login credentials straight and, subsequently, increased operational strain on the banks that must support these constant resets. This kind of operational impact, coupled with the very real threat of cyberattacks, can leave banks in a constant of state of reaction when it comes to mobile authentication. Banks are striving for efficiency and at the same time need to provide customers with an experience that’s easy to use and safe, but it is hard to do that when so much of their time and resources are devoted to tactical operations such as password management.
DXC provides an enhanced customer experience solution for mobile user authentication, leveraging our partner Daon’s ConfidentID software. A biometric-enabled authentication software product for mobile devices, ConfidentID uses an in- and out-of-band approach to protect customers from identify theft and fraud. ConfidentID provides efficient, reliable identity authentication for mobile, online and other transactions using a combination of passwords, PINs, biometrics and other techniques. The software employs dynamic security levels, allowing you to customize the level of authentication based on a transaction’s value and your organization’s risk management strategies. It can eliminate passwords to truly enhance the customer experience.
Authenticate with confidence and convenience
With the multilayered Mobile User Authentication solution, you can significantly improve your customer’s experience and reduce banking security risks so your customers can conduct their transactions with ease and confidence — anytime, anywhere.
With its vast strategic partner network of leading providers, DXC is best positioned to deliver proven, innovative, end-to-end solutions by leveraging its market-leading platforms and expertise in your industry and business. DXC is continually improving its global delivery network, bringing experience and IP to collaborate with you to improve time to value, optimize costs and lower risk.