ESI ThoughtLab

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1435 Walnut Street, 4th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102, United States

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Fresh thinking to stay ahead of the curve

We use our creative, economic lens to help businesses and policymakers better understand and serve their communities, markets, and customers nationwide

ESI ThoughtLab is an innovative thought leadership and economic research firm providing fresh ideas and evidence-based analysis to help business and government leaders cope with transformative change. We specialize in analyzing the impact of technological, economic, and demographic shifts on industries, cities, and companies.

Our in-house team of over 40 thought leadership, economic, and subject matter specialists—and global network of experts and editors--excel at creating valuable decision support that sits at the intersection of visionary thinking, analytical excellence, and innovative content formats. A collaborative enterprise, we work closely with organizations to create thought leadership that is highly relevant to their clients and more effective in delivering ROI. Unlike media companies with branding limitations, we are an independent, full-service research organization able to fill all thought leadership requirements, including surveys of companies, government agencies, consumers and investors; senior executive interviews and advisory groups; and infographics, indexes, performance impact and benchmarking tools.

ESI ThoughtLab is the thought leadership arm of Econsult Solutions, a leading economic consultancy with links to the academic community. We have an exclusive partnership with the National Institute of Economics and Social Research, Britain’s first research institute, and close links to Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, Penn Institute of Urban Research, and Drexel University's LeBow College of Business.

ESI ThoughtLab Solutions

Mixed-Methods Research

Global surveys Working with worldwide research panels, we can reach executives in any country, industry, and size of company, as well as their B2B, B2C and B2G customers. Executive interviews Our global network of editors are skilled in interviewing top executives across industries and countries, as well as experts, futurismĀ and academicians Quantitative analysis We apply......

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