Sophisticated sense checks and advanced verification filters enable automated retrieval, collation and distribution of up-to-date, accurate and approved fund information utilising our fully automated data management system and robust workflow management process
The increasing number and variety of fund platforms and the complexity of distribution partnerships is becoming an everyday part of the investment management landscape. Ensure accurate fund information is always delivered to your distribution partners on time and without fuss by utilising our Factbook Feeds™ solution.
Relationships and reputations can be jeopardised through poor and inaccurate provision of data. Our Factbook Feeds™ solution ensures your service level agreements, with regard to information flow, can be met easily and consistently, time and time again no matter how many funds or distribution channels you have in place.
Make sure your funds are getting on the right beauty parades, Factbook Feeds™ can send data to a wide variety of consultant databases and ensure they have all the information they need to help them select your funds as and when they need it.