Our customised fund data and document feeds enable banks, fund distributors and insurance companies to integrate and access large numbers of fund documents across their existing publications, applications and online platforms
Fund data how you want it
Simple web-based dashboards allow you to customise your feed. Whether it’s for regular reports, building your own web tools or for use in pre-designed charts. Our range of cost-effective fund data feed services are fully scalable and configurable.
Extensive coverage
Our extensive database of funds and the wide range of data points on these funds, means that we have the coverage required for almost every scenario you can think of.
Fully automated
Our fully automated data feeds are configured to meet your requirements through an intuitive web-based portal.
Regulatory data
The service gives you access to a range of regulatory data including cost and target market enabling you to fulfil your MiFID and PRIIPs requirements.
Simple API interface
Your feed is accessed through a simple interface allowing easy integration into your systems and configuration with your existing tools.
Quality assured
Fully automated processes and the use of the openfunds standard means data is standardised and errors reduced to an absolute minimum.