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Capital Office, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom

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Business introduction

Real Fund Performance

Real Results Using Artificial Intelligence

The FUNDSaiQ platform empowers our clients to find consistently high performing mutual fund managers with the highest ESG score. It will also provide them with curated news flow for the top funds. In addition, it will enable monitoring of style drifts and changes in portfolio management teams alongside other relevant news and changes.

We are helping investors identify managers that are doing better than passive not only one year but over time. We help you find the long term best of the best. And to keep you invested in those funds. We have the most novel and comprehensive, one of a kind platforms in the market. There is no other generally available platform that offers what we do.

FUNDSaiQ Solutions

Fund Selection & ESG

Fund selection The data science that underpins the platform starts by finding consistently outperforming managers versus the best passive funds. That in of itself is unique. ESG FUNDSaiQ allows you to find and retain the best performing funds in each category, whilst identifying fund managers that also have a high ESG score or......

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