Suite 8 Sabrina House, Sabrina Court, Shrewsbury, SY3 7BF, United Kingdom
Providing the perfect balance of personalised user input and time-saving automation
Genovo provides a highly-customisable suitability report writing app for financial planners and paraplanners who value client engagement and wish to provide their clients with a more reader-friendly and engaging report.
We are an energetic and enthusiastic team of developers, ecommerce and financial service professionals with a mission to inspire ambition, stimulate innovation, and drive business advantage through the provision of online workflow and reporting solutions.
A fully-featured and scalable report writing solution designed to reflect the make-up and needs of your company. Time Saving Provides the perfect balance of personalised input and timesaving automation, with dynamic content generation to reflect the options selected - meaning client-focused suitability reports can be easily created in minutes not hours. Automatic Updates Kept......