The IC Research Global Database is a powerful and extensive data and information collection of institutional investment consultants from around the globe. Containing the most in-depth coverage of hard-to-find information it reflects the most accurate and trusted information available
The USP of The IC Research Global Database results from its pure institutional focus and its truly global coverage listing only genuine investment consultants accessible via an intuitive web-based technology easy to use. The research process is ongoing and a combination of several automatically powered web-crawlers searching the worldwide web, and handcrafted quality checks by our researchers with academic background. Research is conducted automatically, by proprietary software and external tools like data and relation extraction software, text analytic APIs, tagging engines, and deep learning software. Research is also conducted manually by a team of researchers permanently updating the database. Our data-quality-control procedures imply several checking routines executed online and by phone calls by our researchers and our sub-contractors. The result is the most detailed and accurate information collection on investment consultants available in the marketplace.