Asset allocation.
Evaluate a custom allocation or analyze an existing portfolio of stocks, ETFs and funds. Kwanti compiles an accurate asset allocation of your portfolios, presented in a set of interactive tables and charts.
Performance analysis.
Obtain immediate portfolio backtest results through multiple views emphasizing risk vs. return trade-offs. Supports portfolios of stocks, ETFs and mutual funds.
Risk allocation.
Find out how each portfolio component contributes to the overall portfolio risk. Using the risk allocation analysis, investors have a better view of their portfolio diversification and risk exposure.
Correlation calculator.
Correlation is a statistical measure of association between two variables. Understanding correlations between portfolio assets is useful to evaluate or build a diversified portfolio. Portfolio Lab allows rapid exploration of asset correlations between ETFs, stocks and mutual funds.
Portfolio Lab gives immediate optimization results based on forward return estimates. An important aspect of optimization is to ensure that input data is appropriate: estimated returns, volatilities and correlations need to be forward estimates, rather than historical estimates.