Ledgex PM is a comprehensive portfolio management system for investment managers with exposure to all alternative investments
Ledgex Portfolio Manager natively supports the unique way multi-manager investment managers handle daily trading activity, positions and pricing methodologies. The platform allows asset allocators to easily manage complex portfolio structures and look through these portfolios for exposure, performance and allocation weights.
Ledgex PM also streamlines the communication between the front, middle and back office activities related to managing manager activities and closing portfolios. The platform delivers robust and configurable reporting and decision support tools, including automated communications of manager activity with appropriate hand-off to operations and accounting to close and reconcile the portfolio with administrators.
The Ledgex Workbench, which is included with Ledgex PM, is a front office decision support tool for managing projected capital activity and fund activity and evaluating the impact that these decisions have on your portfolio. With Ledgex Workbench, portfolio managers and analysts can run ‘what-if’ scenarios based on future planned investor and fund activity, while incorporating their existing portfolio exposure, liquidity terms, and cash projections.