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Lykke stands as one of the pioneers in cryptocurrency trading, rooted in the world of high-frequency finance.
Evolving from a prominent global forex broker, we embraced blockchain technology in 2015, ushering in a new era of crypto trading.
As we evolved, so did our offerings, marking our commitment to reshaping markets and championing the widespread adoption of this groundbreaking technology for individuals and businesses alike.
Why buy the LyCI Service Token? Take a position in the market Rather than choosing “the next Bitcoin”, take a position in the market, focusing on those projects that together are likely to succeed – even if some do not make it. Simple, accessible and tradable – an ERC20 token The LyCI Service Token......
We provide technology solutions in the dynamic financial, consumer, and service sectors. Our extensive knowledge and experience help us serve enterprises by building, launching and operating Platforms powered by Blockchain. Through the experience of building and operating our own platforms as trading and marketplace platform we know what it takes......