ImageGuard is a real time illicit image analysis and management engine that assesses all image files passing through your email server
Is illicit content like pornography being exchanged via your email system?
Illicit content like pornography can damage your company culture, create a hostile working environment and increase the risk of legal liability. Illicit images continue to travel in and out of enterprise email systems, hidden within a mass of legitimate business images.
Legal liability and reputational damage
Images stored on networks and passing through corporate email systems are the legal responsibility of that company. This constitutes a huge risk in terms of legal liability, potential harassment lawsuits, reputation and brand damage if email images are not monitored and filtered appropriately. By implementing ImageGuard, combined with an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) governing employee network access, the severe implications from misuse can be avoided.
Identify high risk senders and receivers
ImageGuard provides the technology to differentiate pornographic images from the mass of legitimate business images travelling through your email gateway on a daily basis. Once an image is identified as suspect, MailGuard's enterprise-grade email filtering application is able to record other details such as sender, recipient, date and time.