Automate any tedious business processes so that you can get back to what's important. Whether you’re a portfolio manager, a fund manager, or an investment dealer, operate more efficiently with Mako
KYC Workflows - Real-Time KYC Automation
Know Your Client processes have never been this easy. Automating onboarding and KYC forms means these processes become personalized, digital workflows. The end result is a dramatically better client experience, significant time savings, and improved compliance reporting.
Bulk Repapering - Move your Entire Book of Business in a Breeze
Mako's strategic APIs and integrations provide a streamlined and effortless workflow for wealth managers looking to move their book of business to a new custodian. A process that usually requires several employees and months of work can be executed in just a few weeks by our team of experts.
Sub-Doc Workflows - Hassle-Free Subscription Agreements
Subscription automation enables hassle-free investment transactions, even for thousands of investors. Automating subscription services allows funds to turn documents into digital workflows and provide a delightful client experience. The end result is a solution that makes it easier to invest and less expensive to administer.
Custom Workflows
Get the benefits of automation designed for you, without adding technical complexity to your business.