HQ Address

Eden Plaza, F28, Eden Island, Republic of Seychelles

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Business introduction

Building regulated market infrastructure for Web 3

A regulated market for a digital world

MERJ is the operator of MERJ Exchange, the only licensed securities exchange in the Republic of Seychelles. MERJ has established and administers rules for the listing, trading, clearing and settlement of securities and other financial instruments.

MERJ Exchange and its wholly owned group companies collectively operate the entire end-to-end exchange and post trade infrastructure, covering exchange, clearing, settlement, registry and depository services. This relatively unique set-up, along with the years of close collaboration and trust built with our regulators, has paved the way for MERJ to be an innovator and global leader in the exchange space.

Global trade is in the DNA of Seychelles, making it a fitting location for a global exchange. Seychelles lies at the heart of the old Indian Ocean trade routes which were traversed by Asian, Arab and African traders for centuries. Seychelles now boasts a modern international financial services portfolio, a forward thinking financial services regulator, low taxes, fibre optic connectivity and more, making it the ideal location from which to operate a modern, global exchange.

We invite you to join us in building a new 21st century global financial market ecosystem.

MERJ Solutions

MERJ Clear

Clearing The MERJ Clear clearing and settlement platform is integrated seamlessly with the matching engine of MERJ Exchange and as such is an integrated market. Thus, trade capture is 100% automated with no manual processes. Trades executed on the MERJ Exchange Automated Trading System (ATS) are automatically fed into the MERJ......

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MERJ Depository

Registry services MERJ Dep maintains an electronic securities ownership register of uncertificated securities for securities listed on MERJ Exchange. MERJ Dep records all successful transactions of eligible securities executed on MERJ Exchange and cleared through an approved securities facility participant, which includes MERJ Clear. The MERJ Dep electronic register ties in......

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MERJ Exchange

MERJ is developing a next generation global exchange ecosystem along with partners and participating service providers. The exchange will support global issuers of securities, digital assets and hybrid instruments through the entire asset life cycle from issuance to trading, clearing, settlement and registry. Highlights Equities, debt and derivatives markets As a fully fledged......

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