With the Portfolio Management System you have the possibility to simultaneously manage assets from various portfolios spread across multiple banks. It provides a consolidated view and performance calculation of all security portfolios and accounts. The complete set of relevant data is automatically fed into the system through the respective financial body. A document archive acts as a safe haven for all you sensitive data, be it client-relevant information, reports, personal documents, emails and more. Furthermore you are able to send market orders for multiple portfolios and clients through the system which are then automatically transmitted to the appropriate bank.
Online-access allows for location independence
The Portfolio Management System is engineered to be accessed through the Internet. Not requiring to be installed on a single physical location but being offered online provides you with access wherever you are. As a result, reaction time and support is much quicker and allows us to address issues with higher quality and speed.
Client onboarding process
The CRM system is a collection of a state of the art toolset which acts as a guidance throughout the client onboarding process. The administration and preparation of tailor-made document sets allows you to ready individual legal documentation for your client. This provides the possibliity to compile a complete contract set on-the-fly, ready to be digitally signed by your client.