Sustainalytics’ ESG Research & Ratings offers investors in-depth and timely ratings and analyses of corporate ESG performance
Hundreds of the world’s leading investors use our research for various applications, including corporate engagement, enhanced risk analysis, due diligence, exclusionary screens, best-in-class analysis and portfolio management. Investors can access our research directly via Global Access, our interactive investor portal, which includes all major global indices with coverage of over 8,400 companies across 42 sectors.
Research methodology
Sustainalytics’ research methodology addresses a broad range of macro-level ESG issues and trends that have a significant impact on each industry and company, creating both risks and opportunities for investors. Each Company ESG Report highlights key indicators that are critical in assessing how well companies manage their exposure to key ESG issues. Each indicator includes a trend signal, presenting the trend of the indicator over the last 12 months. For the ESG indicators, we differentiate between four distinct management dimensions: disclosure, preparedness, quantitative performance and qualitative performance.