Ultimate affordability, criteria and product sourcing solutions
MortgageBrain Classic
Best in class whole of market desktop sourcing - comparing first and second charge products side by side. Work online and offline, rest assured that the product is always accessible on your desktop. 30 days free trial, with free training. Fully integrated, enabling single data entry, with The Key, our back office compliant system and MTE.
Criterial Hub
Uses ground breaking technology to help you quickly and efficiently match the needs of your customers with those of the Lenders e.g. if a client was bankrupted three years ago, has Japanese knotweed or child maintenance etc, the system brings up which lenders will lend and what their criteria is. Free trials available. Integrating soon with both sourcing systems.
MortgageBrain Anywhere
Renowned online first and second charge sourcing system. Optimised for iPads, tablets, laptops, PCs and Macs. With automatic daily updates and offering ultimate flexible working with a 30 days free trial, and free training. Fully integrated, enabling single data entry, with The Key, our back office compliance system.
Affordability Hub
Like Skyscanner for mortgage affordability - it collects information on property, income, debts and expenditure in a standard form and sends this to lender’s affordability calculators and collates the results of what a lender will potentially lend. So expectations of a customer can be correctly set. Complementary to Criteria Hub or sourcing users.