Designed for the construction of powerful diversified investment portfolios that are simple to manage and cost-effective, giving your portfolio an edge
Construct your own low-cost diversified portfolio by combining Netwealth Accelerator Core accounts with the Netwealth GSS managed funds and models, you can build cost-effective investment portfolios, the way you want. Create diversified, single sector, or concentrated portfolios through a variety of index or active management styles.
Single sector index funds
These Global Specialist Series (GSS) Single Sector funds, invested with Blackrock, are for those who prefer to take an index approach to a specific asset class, whether it be an exposure to Australian or global bonds, property, Australian or international securities. Using the index approach, you can control your own asset allocation and keep your investment costs low.
Single sector active funds
Managed by Magellan and based on the same strategy as their flagship funds, the Magellan GSS Funds are suitable for long-term investors seeking an active exposure to listed global securities or listed global infrastructure securities.
Actively managed index funds
The GSS Index Opportunities funds, invested with UBS, are for those who want the benefit of active asset allocation management that actively seeks opportunities from valuation discrepancies between indexes. The funds hold their underlying asset sector exposure through passive or index based investments and cash funds. This exposure is obtained by investing largely in exchange traded funds (ETFs), both onshore and offshore, index funds and in derivatives.
Actively managed multi-asset funds
The GSS Active funds, invested with Russell Investments, are for those who are seeking diversification across multiple asset classes, investment strategies, investment managers and styles. The funds seek exposure to a range of investment managers who may invest in other managed funds, direct securities, ETFs, foreign exchange contracts and/or derivatives.
Diversified index managed models
These diversified managed account models invest using the Netwealth GSS index managed funds and are particularly suitable for price sensitive clients who are looking for a diversified, one-stop solution for their investments.
Risk-managed managed account models
With built-in risk protection, the Milliman Smartshield GSS managed account models are designed for investors seeking to reduce volatility in their portfolio.