Over the past five years, organisations have shifted their focus from back-end engines and compliance to developing a compelling digital customer experience (CX) to both retain existing clients and attract new ones.
This perception is supported by recent research; for example, an Ernst & Young report says that up to a third of clients will change their wealth manager over the next three years. Similarly, McKinsey shows that 70% of the client experience is based on how the client feels they are being treated, which largely depends on the quality of communication. This report states that digital tools can improve the overall experience when deployed correctly.
This level of attention on digital engagement continues, and according to Gartner, more than eight out of 10 Financial Institutions will compete mostly or solely on the basis of customer experience. This makes CX a critical competitive differentiator in 2023 and beyond. It never stops evolving, so it is worth asking where customer experience is in 2023 and what’s next.
This online survey, completed by Wealth and Investment Managers, aims to outline the recent CX trends and how to reap the benefits.
Click on the image below to download the full report.