A FinTech on Instagram? Why and why now?
It is no news that people’s – whatever age – attitude to money, buying, investing even applying for a job, has changed in the last two to three years. It is not only the attitude that has changed but also the overall perspectives and nature of the options available. The trend for products’ offering is nowadays to meet certain criteria – sustainability to name one, and job opportunities have shifted from more traditional career paths to STEM careers – science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and roles dealing with FinTech, crypto etc.
Demographics are changing just and more women are entering the industry as a new generation is taking its first steps into the whole world of investing and applying for increasingly technological and FinTech-focused careers.
What has not changed yet exponentially grown within a hyper-digitalised world is the need for relevant FinTech literacy – but in a new curriculum that reflects avant-garde financial brands, FinTechs, banks and wealth management firms.
And here comes the question you may be wondering: why Instagram and why now? Is that not only for the image-heavy B2C industry? Do FinTech brands really belong on Instagram or is it a fad?
Agree or not, Instagram is no longer the exclusive territory of B2C and what used to be a serious, mostly uncreative industry – the good old B2B – is becoming increasingly innovative and inspiring. What is more, Instagram itself evolved from its nature as a photo-sharing app to nearly a new browser where to look for every kind of information you may need. And you do not even have to type and search for them, they come to you via your preferred information provider.
Today, Instagram is the place to be, no doubt, no matter the industry. And for millennials and Gen Zs, it is the place to get informed and motivated. It is the key to unlocking FinTech today to the clients of tomorrow.
Millennials: They are smart. They are savvy. They are investing. Gen Zs: They strive for the extraordinary. They are inundated with information, yet selective and not loyal to any brand. They are joining the workforce and entering the workplace. They are saving. And they are all using social media to learn about finance, to be up to date with the latest business news and, why not, to gather tips on how to spend their money.
Data worth mentioning – because after all, it is finance we are talking about – comes from Pinterest Predicts report 2022, forecasting financial literacy and financial independence to be trending for their users. Indeed, search terms about financial literacy rose rapidly at the end of 2021 on Pinterest: Investment tips: +195%, Financial Planning bullet journal: + 90%, Financial education: +55%, Investment property for beginners: +45%, Passive income tips: +35%.
And if this is the case for Pinterest, it appears that the majority of Gen Z and millennials intentionally search for FinTech-related content online or through social media.
In Objectway we are thinking out of the box with a fresh perspective and stepping up to bring closer and attract millennials, Gen Z and one billion users to the world of FinTech, offering a mix of contents in an easy, quick swipe. We are designing our communication differently, and looking at Instagram as the new platform for information, planting the seeds to grow awareness and interest and add a bit of glow to FinTech literacy.
From our blog articles – in a whole new light – to financial pills, 'at first sight', breaking down barriers and harsh topics. The OW Saga column will dive right into the Objectway journey, our journey, through years and goals and as wonders never cease, there is much more to come.
If Instagram has been mostly uncharted territory in the world of finance, we pave the way to make it work, informative and creative.
Stay tuned – and do not forget to follow objectway_group on Instagram.
We are just getting started!
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