As we are getting closer to our upcoming Customer Conference in Venice, Alberto Cuccu, Objectway CEO International, takes the opportunity to share more insights on how we will develop the concept of sustainable innovation and how this one is reshaping the future of business development.
As we are getting closer to our upcoming Customer Conference in Venice, I want to take the opportunity to share with you more insights on how we will develop the concept of sustainable innovation.
We all see that the financial services are continuously evolving and reshaping:
- The way we think about financial services is evolving, we don’t speak now about transactional services and products, the future is all about conscious services or conscious banking: the focus is now customer outcome oriented, and led by meeting client needs.
- The way financial services will be delivered in the future is evolving: we are moving into the era of contextual services. Delivery of financial solutions will occur where clients need it when they need it, leveraging omni-channel availability and service embedding concepts. A bank needs to travel to its customers and deliver services when requested. Clients now pull on-demand.
- The value chain is being fused and becoming more integrated: we are witnessing the convergence of Wealth Management, Banking, and Asset Servicing, with M&A acting as an accelerant for consolidation. We see more and more organizational re-design and business model re-configuration with more and more ecosystem collaborators across the value chain.
- Sustainability has become a priority for customers: every business initiative has to be designed to take into consideration that clients are expecting it to be delivered within a sustainability framework. Transparency, Governance and Impact are emerging priorities in this new paradigm.
In such a scenario those that will be able to deliver such sustainable innovation are destined to be the leaders of tomorrow. At the conference, we will focus on sustainable solution design, defining a framework to develop a sustainable innovation at scale.
Our framework, is based on the consolidated concept of the Innovation Diamond. The Innovation Diamond is defined by 3 Dimensions, and along these dimensions business innovation will be introduced:
- Customer Experience: The client experience and the focus on creating and maintaining conscious relationships. Delivering an operating model aligned to client lifecycle management.
- Business Configuration: or re-configuration. Business operating model evolution, to enhance scalability, while also reducing cost via automation and standardization in business process design.
- Offering Evolution: focusing on personalization and implementing investment and communication solutions that cater to on-demand/omni-channel dialogue and fulfilment to achieve client objective.
These 3 innovation dimensions should be all driven and overlaid by the design concept of sustainability.
At the conference we will focus on all the 3 dimension of sustainable innovation, first listening to the voice of the market, presenting a very recent survey done with one of the major analyst on the market; then looking at the reshaping of financial services along the principle of contextual and conscious financial services, and finally taking a deep dive on the three innovation diamond dimensions. We will delivery this through key-note speakers, real use cases from our client base and discussion panels chaired by industry experts.
We believe this is a real unique opportunity to take some time strategically looking together to the future of our business and design solutions that will inspire further growth and success.