Access over a billion entirely new data points on UK private companies and industries, not available on any other platform
Big data on small companies
Investors, advisors and entrepreneurs recognise that the biggest source of untapped value and talent lies hidden within the opaque private companies marketplace.
However, of the 4.5 million active UK companies, 95% do not file Profit and Loss accounts meaning that very little data and insight is available for the vast majority of companies.
Explore the world of business
Pomanda supplements Companies House data with its own proprietary data enabling users to understand the size, profitability and performance of any UK company.
The power search
Pomanda's Search Engine enables users to instantly explore and search 12 million UK businesses, 15 million UK directors and 300 industry groups.
When users search Pomanda for active companies with sales between £1 and £10 million using our unique unrivalled data, they find 2.1 million results.
The same search using Companies House data will only return 174,000, 92% less than Pomanda.
Business insight
Compare businesses with competitors and industry averages to improve performance and increase value.
Analyse company financials, industry sentiment, sector multiples and generate a customisable business valuation.