An integrated terminal providing the latest data, insights and opportunities for professionals in the institutional wealth management market
Gain fast and reliable access to market updates and intelligence in the institutional landscape.RainmakerLive is Australia's integrated knowledge management terminal, enabling a new world of insights into the institutional wealth management space. Gain unparalleled insights into Australia's superannuation, asset consultant, institutional investment management markets, alongside a comprehensive overview of superannuation mandates.
An integrated institutional intelligence terminal at your disposal
RainmakerLive provides efficient access to research and opportunities within the institutional wealth management market.
Business development
Access to the latest mandate opportunities and history, aligned with insights into asset consultants and superannuation fund profiles.
Understand the performance metrics of investment managers and superannuation fund asset classes and risk sectiors.
Segment your markets messaging, whioe identifying your performance based unique sellin proposition.
RainmakerLive Institutional
Features to transform your workflow
Take your understanding of the institutional market place to new heights. The RainmakerLive terminal will allow you to gain oversight of the market and your position within it, all while using a cloud-based system.
Mandate pipeline activity
With thousands of active mandates, RainmakerLive's Mandate Pipeline, coupled with the Mandate Chaser Report, will allow you to quickly prospect for relevant mandates in specific asset classes.
As well as upcoming mandates, RainmakerLive also features a competitive analysis of mandates already in the market, where financial flows are occurring and industry news surrounding mandate activity.
Account Profiles
RainmakerLive's dedicated data services team accurately source and update the details of Australia's superannuation and institutional investment organisations alongside their investment products and performance.
Account profiles enable you to view an array of details across these segments, including access to ownership structures, asset allocations, contact details, investment products and more.
Contact Profiles
The contact function provides a full suite of contacts and job titles alongside an account. View the contact details of relevant prospects, with Rainmaker's data team enabling you to outsource your database and contact management.
Accounts and contacts are also linked to RainmakerLive's Sales and Marketing Optimiser (SMO) and news functions, allowing for the creation of media alerts as well as the ability to add notes and create lists of contacts.