Realtime Computing

HQ Address

Level 4, Centrepoint Tower, 123B Colin Street, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia

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Business introduction

Developing Software Solutions for over 40 years

Going the extra mile with Quality Service and Support

Realtime Computing was founded in 1976 and we have developed software for many different industries, but now we concentrate on enhancing and supporting our flagship software packages for the finance industry - FI$CAL and FINESSE.

Customer Service is our focus and this is evidenced by the number of satisfied clients who have been using our software for well over 20 years. An important part of our Customer Service initiative is our willingness to undertake additional program development and client specific customisations. We don't just sell a package - we tailor it to suit the needs of our clients.

Realtime Computing Solutions

Realtime Solutions

Finesse Contract Origination A customer facing front-end system to record comprehensive customer information, calculate finance quotes, facilitate credit and risk assessment, generate contract documents and load directly into your back-end system. It provides for multi-company and multi-currency operations. Fiscal Contract Management A highly functional and robust back-end system that is capable of accounting for all......

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