Smartkarma connects the world's leading investors to top independent analysts via a unique single subscription that is MiFID II compliant
What is Smartkarma?
Smartkarma is a fully digital and cloud based platform with a full suite of tools enabling a large community of analysts and other professionals to create digitally native, interactive research content, share ideas, collaborate on research projects, and discuss their opinions in real time.
Via personalised logins, clients are able to interact seamlessly with all of the Insight on the platform. This is not an aggregation service or a shopping mall. Everything is available to all clients, in real time.
Smartkarma provides a suite of search and discovery tools to ensure relevance and fit with different investment styles, and the dynamic research needs of a professional manager.
Smartkarma’s solution enables clients to access this deep pool of Insight, discover ideas and interact in real time, from any device.
For clients with an eye on MiFID II, Smartkarma is entirely independent, transparent and simply priced. This helps managers reduce the regulatory risk of research valuation and inducement concerns. Full and personalised usage analytics provide the transparency needed to ascertain value for money, and meet reporting requirements.