Deal with your complaints responsively and impartially to encourage customer retention and protect your business from FCA scrutiny. Our complaints handling solutions are agile and flexible whether you require overflow, full outsourcing or guidance on your process
As a regulated firm, you must have effective and transparent procedures in place for dealing with, and documenting, complaints competently, diligently and impartially. Where you find that a customer complaint requires an offer of redress or remedial action, you must make sure it is accepted and settled promptly.
You may have a small number of complaints coming in irregularly, or have sizable complaint handling capability. At TCC we provide a flexible, managed approach to individual problems and tailor a solution to your bespoke requirements.
Our complaint handling solutions ensure your customers are being treated fairly – working with TCC you will be gaining access to industry recognised expertise delivered in a way that is sympathetic to your requirements.
How can we help?
We provide a range of complaint handling services across a wide spectrum of products. We have the expertise to deal with complaints ranging from relatively simple general insurance mis-selling through to complex pension disputes.