Proactively identify good customer outcomes to enhance customer loyalty and satisfy regulatory demands
The FCA expects you to evidence that you have your customers at the heart of your business. The most simplest and cost-effective method is to establish a meaningful customer outcomes testing policy throughout your business, spanning the end-to-end customer lifecycle.
All too often firms rely on customer satisfaction metrics to demonstrate positive customer outcomes. These are of limited benefit if the customer is ill informed or disengaged in the sales or advice process. As a result the first time a misalignment of expectations is confirmed is at the point of a complaint. By testing customer outcomes shortly after a particular stage in the lifecycle you can ensure your customers’ expectations are correctly aligned with those of your business.
When operated correctly customer outcomes testing can be a powerful indicator of customer centricity, not just for the benefit of the regulator but also for your business too.
How can we help?
TCC offers a comprehensive end-to-end solution or component parts to suit your requirements and budget.