Our technical expertise and proactive approach help you identify, manage and control regulatory risks, providing long-term regulatory assurance
In an ever-changing regulatory environment and in light of the move towards personal accountability for those holding Significant Influence Functions (SIFs), you need to ensure you comply with current regulation and are prepared for the future.
How can we help?
We support the development of effective internal standards and controls by delivering a range of services to our clients that are focused on assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of their conduct risk frameworks.
Where gaps are identified we provide practical advice and guidance on how to address the issues found, with the ultimate aim of assuring the business is operating in-line with regulatory expectations and industry best practice.
We adopt a risk-based approach to delivering fair outcomes for your customers.
We have the skills and technical expertise to assess whether you have effective controls and risk management frameworks, including identification and control arrangements to pre-empt, identify and mitigate risks in your business models including outsourcing arrangements.