Concentrate on running your business today, safe in the knowledge that we will keep you prepared and resilient for tomorrow, whatever it brings
In UK financial services regulation, the only constant over the past three decades has been change. The industry has faced significant disruption including regulatory body changes, the Retail Distribution Review (RDR), Mortgage Market Review (MMR) and, most recently, the Senior Managers and Certification Regime.
Now, with the focus on MiFID, PRIPs, Brexit, and with political scrutiny at unprecedented levels, uncertainty continues for FCA regulated firms trying to run successful businesses whilst navigating their way through the ever-changing regulatory maze.
How can we help?
Pre-empting and being prepared for regulatory change is the key to minimising the commercial impact of change. You cannot prepare yourself if you are not informed.
Our horizon scanning can help you to identify the relevant regulatory changes on your strategic path. Once identified, we work collaboratively with you to evaluate the potential impact to your business model, business as usual activities and your operations.
We then work with you to devise a transformation plan that prepares you to embrace change and, where possible, leverage the opportunity that change inevitably brings.
Typically the plan would be managed and implemented by your internal teams, but where you lack the capacity and capability our Specialist Resourcing team source appropriately qualified and experienced resource, either as interim or contracted with continued oversight and assurance from our Advisory team.