UBS Partner

HQ Address

Bahnhofstrasse 45, Zurich, 8001, Switzerland

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Your expert global partner

With the investment landscape under pressure, securing the future brings tough choices for investors

We are committed to bringing you the ideas, understanding and clarity to guide your choices, so you can deliver on your investment priorities and your values, without compromise.

UBS Partner Solutions

Investment Opportunities & Sales Campaigns

Investment opportunities: Investment ideas: The engine implements the bank’s research and identifies investment opportunities. For each idea, the algorithm finds a suitable second trade and provides complete trade packages. Client book screening: UBS Partner determines for which portfolios investment opportunities are applicable and automatically identifies the relevant clients, ensuring efficient implementation.  Sales campaigns: Campaign......

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Investment & Sales Analytics

Investment analytics: Control exposure: This module gives advisors the ability to understand the exposure of their client book along various dimensions, for different levels of aggregation, from individual portfolios to the book level. Spot and act on trends: The client advisor can create multiple queries on filters such as instrument, position, client......

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Portfolio Quality Checks & Remediation

Portfolio quality checks: Portfolio analysis: Our engine unbundles each portfolio and analyses all asset classes and instrument types. An alert is triggered when there are quality breaches in the portfolio. Portfolio screening: The engine screens each client portfolio against the selected and customizable quality checks and SAA/TAA every night, identifying issues. Remediation: Optimization: UBS......

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Prospecting & Goal and Wealth Projection

Prospecting: Prospect proposal creation: UBS Partner enables client advisors to create proposals for prospects and clients by uploading external holdings and assets to the tool and simulating the situation where the client brings additional assets. Efficient prospecting: Advisors can showcase what would be possible should the client move more assets to their......

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Scenario & Risk Analytics

Scenario analysis: Stress testing: This module offers the capability for advisors to assess the impact that potential stress scenarios may bring to client portfolios.  Predictive and historical scenario analysis: These can be based on historical events or forward-looking (predictive) ones, which can incorporate expert views based on current financial information. Risk Analytics: Dynamic risk......

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