Compare fund details
Use our online analysis tool to research investment funds including Vanguard funds and prepare recommendations for your clients. Powered by Morningstar.
Compare costs
Use our online analysis tool to compare costs for any four products. Powered by Morningstar.
Cost simulation calculator
You can use our cost simulation calculator to see the effect costs can have on your investment over time, whether it's an ETF or a mutual fund.
Risk attitude profiling
Although risk profiling is not an exact science, a well-designed risk profiling tool can give you some key insights into your clients' investment preferences.
Assess the impact of costs
Discover how the cumulative effect of costs can slow your progress towards your goals.
Demonstrate asset class risk
Use the chart to show how changing your mix of investments affects performance.
See the importance of discipline
Discover how mis-timing the market impacts performance.
Understand the power of compounding
Compounding is one of the most powerful forces in investing. Roll over the bars in the chart to see how compounding a 8% return can double an investment in 10 years.