Solution introduction

A great deal of volatility in publicly traded stocks occurs around events. Knowing when these events will happen, as well as any revisions to the date, time or content of those events, helps investors get in front of any risk or volatility they may present

By keeping clients apprised of critical market-moving events, our primary and publicly sourced, 100% compliant event data empowers financial professionals to capitalize on trading opportunities or mitigate risk

WSH is the gold standard for accurately tracking, curating and presenting corporate events so clients do not miss critical, potentially market-moving inflection points. Our clients recognize that dates, content and revisions to events are key indicators of corporate financial health. Investors need to look beyond the basics and understand the volatility impact of a number of different corporate events, including:

  • Earnings Announcements and Earnings Date Revisions
  • Dividends, Stock Splits
  • Analyst Days, Company Road Shows, R&D Days, Special Business Updates
  • Periodic updates on Production, Sales, Performance, and Interim Results
  • Presentations at Conferences, Tradeshows, Summits
  • Shareholder Meetings

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